We’re Just Going to Be Absent

April 12, 2023
This is a public post because it is really important.  As Opt Out groups have proliferated the quality control of these groups is increasingly poor.  To the extent that parents get a lot of bad, or more often, woefully incomplete advice.  Then when they fail in their opt out because they have not been properly […]

Follow Up Refusal Letter Updated

April 11, 2023
In light of the number of questions about how to respond to the school’s “denial” of your opt out (or the classic “unfortunately there is no opt out in Texas” email), I wanted to share that I have updated the Follow Up Refusal letter where you directly remind them that you were not asking for […]

Opting Out at Charters

April 2, 2023
We get this question all the time, so this is a public video. If it helps, please support us on Patreon. If the truth is too hard, then support us anyway. We tell you the truth whether it’s good or bad.

Why Do They Fight?

March 14, 2023
FOR SUPPORTERS ONLY The legislature gave students a right to use substitute assessments to satisfy their graduation requirements instead of the Staar end of course assessments. The legislature told the commissioner to make the rules and determine how this occurs. The legislature did not give the local school districts any power to make those rules. […]

Action Item – Comment to House Public Ed Committee

March 13, 2023
ACTION ITEM – COMMENT ON HB 1416 – Must be done by Monday night!!! (March 13) HB 1416 is a bill that amends accelerated instruction and explicitly creates an opt out process for parents. It also preserves the no loss of electives rule. Because it creates a different process for creating AI plans for kids […]

House Public Education Committee

March 1, 2023
The House Public Education Committee has had its organizational meeting with invited testimony from TEA Commissioner Mike Morath.  The video of the meeting can be accessed at: https://tlchouse.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=78&clip_id=23878 The first set of bills have been referred to the Committee.  We’ll be monitoring upcoming meetings to keep you updated on what bills are moving. The list […]

House Testing/Accountability Bills

January 16, 2023
HOUSE BILLS AS OF 1/15/2023 The following bills have been filed to date in the Texas House of Representatives. Our position is always subject to change as bills progress and legislative analysis or hearings take place.  If you are aware of any other accountability or assessment bills, please contact us at txedrights@gmail.com  HB 748, 1225 […]

The Circus Is In Town

January 16, 2023
Dear Supporters: Your support has enabled us to continue providing good information and support to parents fighting STAAR at the grass roots level.  Every two years we face a potential shift in the landscape when the Texas Legislature meets.  There will be bills, hearings and lobbying impacting all different areas of Education policy.  And it […]

Interim Assessment FAQ

November 15, 2022
Early access for our Patreon supporters! This FAQ is a work in progress.  Will be updated as more questions come in! It is interim assessment season, so what does that mean for us?  Here is a quick and dirty FAQ on Interim Assessments.   What are Interim Assessments? According to the TEA, Interim Assessments are […]

New Graduation Guide for Pre-STAAR students

October 27, 2022
This is a public post, but I wanted to share with you all the kind of positive work that your subscription supports.  TTAAS member Jeff Cranmore has guided numerous adults who were denied diplomas under TAAS or TAKS through the process of getting an IGC diploma.  He’s now put together a step by step guide […]
