TPERN Master Opt Out Letter
- Version
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- File Size 22 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 12, 2022
- Last Updated September 8, 2023
TPERN Master Opt Out Letter
This is the current version of our TPERN opt out letter. It has been updated to include the refusal language the TEA require that the local campus document. If you have a download issue, click here for the direct link. Please do not share the direct link!
The link does not work for the TPERN master opt out letter
I need to know your browser and platform. It works on Edge and Chrome from PC. It works on iPad from Safari. Turn off all ad blockers. Please let me know the browser and platform you are using and I will try to check it.
I downloaded the pdf file to the opt-out letter but it does not open (master-opt-out-letter-revised-2022).
Can you please send me the file to the email address provided?
Thank you!
This file works fine. Make sure you have Word on your mobile device or computer to read it.
Christen Gerber
You’ll most likely need to download a DOCX reader. I had the same issue and this fixed it.
100% correct.
Is this the letter we should also use for the Field tests?
No we have a separate letter for field tests on the download page
Do you know if this letter will work for TELPAS testing? My adopted son (who only speaks English) is subject to TELPAS testing every year because of the Home Language Survey filled out by his biological mother 5 years ago.
It should though I expect you will get similar resistance from the school. Have you declined all ELL services? Has he tested Advanced High in all domains?
What if they scored advanced high in 2 areas and advanced on the other 2? They scored approached on all Starr domains.
I believe exiting requires Advanced High in all domains and passing STAAR. Approaching is sufficient to pass.
Liz villarreal
How bout if he hasn’t tested advanced high in speaking only and they said by law he needs to take it
Like I said, I expect you will receive resistance. You have to be firm. When the school has the state supposedly “requiring” things, they will fight you. You will have to be firm and take self help measures, which is much harder with TELPAS than STAAR
Veronica Amaya
Can my child be prevented from passing to further grade if STARR test is not taken?
No. STAAR based promotion was eliminated in the 2021 legislative session
If STAAR based promotions were eliminated, are these tests still a requirement for HS graduation?
Promotion and graduation are different concepts. We have various articles on the HS issues.
But They Have to Pass STAAR to Graduate
What About High School? (updated 2019)
Graduating By Committee – General Ed Students
Ignorance or Deliberate Lies? Schools and Sub Assessments
Is there a way for someone to give me further information on the “consequences” of my child not taking the test, and how to go about turning the letter in/who to turn the letter into?
OPTING OUT – Step by Step
My son is under an IEP for ADHD / Math Disability. Will he be retained if I opt out the state test?
There is no more STAAR based retention.
Jarvis Taylor
I am unable to download letters using Chrome.
I have no problem downloading it in Chrome, but here is the direct link:
can you download this as something other than a word doc.?
that is the only form we have it in. There are free readers available for MS Word
I have trouble with Word also as I don’t want a current subscription. I was able to view as a word document and there was a share option within word so I was able to email myself a copy of the letter as a pdf. I then took the pdf and copied and pasted to my word processing app. I hope this helps.
S Bryant
is this letter good for all future years or just 2022?
If it needs changing we change it
Kathy Wood
We got a letter from school that my daughter needed to go to summer school for failing science on STAAR test… or she will be held back. Can that happen?
There is no more STAAR based retention. Ask the school to show you in the law where it says they can retain.
You can opt out.
HB 4545 Summer School Refusal Letter
Losing My Summer or My Electives? False Choice!
We want to opt put of telpas. I was told that i cant. She is in K, fluent in English but I made a mistake on th survey wasnt aware how strict it is here because Im out of state. I refused ell services
In your case, what you need to do is ask to have the records correct to take her outside of ELL based on a response error on your part in the paperwork. If they refuse, then you file a grievance. Your child has a right to accurate school records. If your mistake was a simple misunderstanding, it should be corrected without a fight. Now, understand the reality of why you will get pushback about this. ELL scores are some of the lowest on STAAR of any subgroup. For good reasons: the accommodations don’t work. The TEA knows this and doesn’t care. Here you present essentially a native speaking child that they can mark as an English learner and she will test like a native speaker. This will boost their scores in the subgroup. This is why every school eagerly throws kids into the ELL subgroup even when they don’t have any need.
Terry Williams
I gave them the opt out letter, and they told me if my 10th grader doesnt pass the english 1 staar she wont qualify to graduate. what do i do??
Read our articles about HS graduation
But They Have to Pass STAAR to Graduate
What About High School? (updated 2019)
Is this updated for 2023?
What would you like me to update? If it needs changes, it gets changed. The legislature only meets in odd years. There hasn’t been a change to basic STAAR opt out procedures in forever.
I thank you so much for this letter and all the information you have on this web page It has really helped me alot to learn more about how to help my son with the Telpas issue He is asked to do it even do he reads, writes. And speaks English God bless you
I can’t download, it says that the link is broken, I am using chrome on my mac computer. It says “couln’t load plug-in”
Use the direct link.
Jessica C
Our school is telling us (3rd gr) that if we opt out, we have to keep our children home during the entire testing window to not be given the math or reading STAAR. Is that correct or do we need to take it above the campus and go to district personnel?
TEA Confirms: School Can Accept Parental Refusal of STAAR
That’s not true. Read this article and approach your school with a request that they act reasonably and respectfully within the bounds they are given.
Dawn L Jenkins
I need to speak to someone about the situation with my sons elementary school. I am trying desperately to understand and protect my child from losing his electives and school time because they have several dates scheduled for the STARR tests. I just received a somewhat frantic, chatioc call from the school AP and a counselor “letting” me know their legal requirements and how not taking the STARR may hurt his future. Funny thing they were swift contacting me about thus, however not when my son is being bullied at school. I feel anxious, afraid and kinda angry about the tag team efforts of that phone call.
If you have a question, you can put it here or one of the Facebook STAAR groups.
The Re: line at the top of the letter states “Removal from STAAR Testing”. Since one of our major arguments is that it is not a test, but rather an assessment instrument, I changed this wording. Thought you may want to know in case you want to change it on the template.