Opt Out and CPS Referral Threats

Discussion of Opting Out/Refusal of STAAR
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Around this time of year we hear sometimes apocryphal and sometimes real stories of schools threatening to refer a parent to CPS if they opt out. This is a hollow threat and should not be given any credence. A number of years ago we raised this directly with CPS and received confirmation that they do not investigate such reports.

Download here:
Gmail - Educational Grounds for CPS Investigation.pdf
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OMG. As a former CPS investigator I can confirm they do not investigate such matters. Wow...that's a serious atttempt at elbow twisting going on there! Horrible.
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marcella.morris wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:59 am OMG. As a former CPS investigator I can confirm they do not investigate such matters. Wow...that's a serious atttempt at elbow twisting going on there! Horrible.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Webmaster for txedrights.net
Admin at Texans Take Action Against STAAR

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